Re: [AD] Fwd: Re: Additional opengl functions

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I agree. Just a matter of opinion of course, but I feel the color _f variants are a core component and half of all Allegro programs would re-create them, while the texture offsets are something used only by a handful of people, so we can expect them to know what they are doing without providing the _f versions.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:46 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I still feel that they don't provide enough benefit for them to be added.


On 11/18/2016 01:53 PM, Edgar Reynaldo wrote:
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has had any time to look at my
proposed patches. SiegeLord, you still want to commit these? Are they
okay as is?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: [AD] Additional opengl functions
Date:   Mon, 31 Oct 2016 22:30:09 -0500
From:   Edgar Reynaldo <>
To:     Allegro Developers <allegro-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>

On 10/29/2016 1:07 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
I'm kind of leaning on not having these included, as they seem just
simple wrappers over the existing (rarely used) functions, but I can
be swayed. Style-wise, you'll want to add spaces around your
operators, and name the functions with '_f' rather than just 'f' (e.g.
following the 'al_map_rgb_f' example).


On 10/24/2016 11:44 AM, Edgar Reynaldo wrote:
Hey guys,

I've been working with Allegro and OpenGL a bit lately, and I found that
the following additions to allegro/src/opengl/ogl_bitmap.c and
allegro/include/allegro5/allegro_opengl.h might be nice. Would you
consider them for addition, and let me know if they need to be modified,
or if they are suitable as is? If they're added, I will make a patch for
the docs to document them. The al_get_opengl_texture_positionf is to get
the u,v coordinates in fractional form, and the
al_get_opengl_texture_coordinates* functions would be to retrieve the
top left and bottom right coordinates, in pixels, and in fractional
parts of the parent texture.

My patch is attached.


Hey SiegeLord,

I've updated the functions to use proper style and formatting. I've
added a al_get_opengl_texture_size_f function to get the fractional
width and height of a (sub) texture. I've changed
al_get_opengl_texture_position_f and al_get_opengl_texture_coordinates_f
to return bool because the underlying function call to
al_get_opengl_texture_size could fail if it's not an OpenGL texture.
Documentation has been added. The patch is attached below.

If there are any further changes or modifications you want me to make,
just let me know.


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