[AD] opengl texture not being updated

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Hey guys,

I don't know if this is a bug in allegro, or a problem in the way I am using opengl, but for some reason the associated opengl texture of an allegro bitmap is not being displayed properly. I am working with Kev Callahan's little opengl test program after modifying it and I can't get anything drawn on the allegro bitmap to show up with the associated opengl texture. The texture continues to display its original contents from when it was loaded, even despite clearing it to another color and calling glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D , al_get_opengl_texture(bmp)) on it repeatedly. The changes to the bitmap just don't show up on the texture for some reason. Can you guys help me understand why?

I have attached the example code I am using. It's a modified version of Kev Callahan's opengl test program. I am clearing the bitmap to a gray level based on time values and drawing it in the upper left corner, which displays fine. However, it is also the active texture on the sphere and quad beneath and to the right, but it only shows the original loaded image on the texture.


Attachment: OpenGLtest.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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