Re: [AD] More source code that doesn't compile...

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Thank you, Peter, that helped tremendously. I was trying to see what you did differently than me because this isn't supposed to be rocket science. I just couldn't believe that something as simple as pressing a "Build" button could be so over-complicated by anyone, but Code::Blocks has outdone itself here. Your path for allegro didn't match the dirtree you sent, so I changed the path in Project Settings, which worked for the compiler, but still didn't work for the linker because I had to change the path three times instead of two: Once in Debug and Release like you would logically expect, and once in AGUP, which makes no sense since it is then redundant. So that was my problem, I couldn't randomly guess where Code::Blocks wanted to put the include file pathname because Code::Blocks doesn't tell you any of this. It also doesn't tell you that you need to select codeblocks.exe to open the installed version of Code::Blocks, but cblauncher.exe is for when you are using it in portable mode only. And worst of all, those error messages tell you nothing about what is wrong. "Could not find file" would do wonders.
I can see that I haven't missed much by not being a part of the open source world for all these years until now. I just hope it doesn't get worse than this. 

On 5/25/2016 at 8:51 AM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
OK, attached. I put the projects inside the agup folder and I had allegro itself alongside (see tree.txt)

On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 18:02 Andrew Robinson <arobinson18@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could you post or send me a copy of your *.cbp files from your project?

On 5/24/2016 at 3:07 AM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 04:11 Andrew Robinson <arobinson18@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That did nothing.

I had a go myself using Code::Blocks 16.01 (with build-in mingw), agup 1.0 from sourceforge and from

I set up an empty project called agup_lib in C::B and added all the .h and .c files from agup, except examp.c. I also had to put allegro's include dir for the project in Project Build Options -> Search Directories -> Compiler.
That built the library OK.

I then set up a second project called agup with examp.c. I set the include dir as before. I then added the libraries in Project Build Options -> Linker Settings -> Link libraries. I did it separately for the Debug and Release configurations.
In Debug I put <agup-path>\Debug\libagup_lib.a and <allegro-path>\lib\liballegro-4.4.2-monolith-md-debug.a
In Release I put <agup-path>\Release\libagup_lib.a and <allegro-path>\lib\liballegro-4.4.2-monolith-md.a
(Where I've used <> I mean to substiture wherever they are on your system)
Note that libagup_lib.a comes before allegro in the list (use the little up/down arrows to swap them)

Hope that helps.
ps. when it came to running I had to copy the corresponding allegro DLLs in to the same directory as the executable and also alex.pcx and clean8.pcx.

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