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My name is Jessica Lowe, I am a middle school teacher and tutor in Colorado. I have been working with a student of mine who is interested in learning to code, and eventually get into game programming. I was doing some research and finding some sources with her, and I found your page http://liballeg.org/links.html to be very helpful and informative, and wanted to thank you.
We also came across this article http://ithare.com/a-beginners-guide-to-programming-languages/ which outlined some programming languages for people who are becoming interested in the field. Sarah, my student, thought it was very helpful and I thought it would be great to add to your resources so others could have access to it.
Thanks again for all of the great information, Myself and Sarah both really appreciate it. Have a great day and please let me know if you are able to add the article, I would love to show Sarah we were able to contribute something!
Best Wishes
Jessica Lowe