[AD] Fwd: Submission: XInput2 patch for linux mouse-movement

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Attached is a patch that enables Xinput2 API for processing mouse-movement.
No new functionality is implemented.

-I refactored/moved the x11 touch input setup stuff since it also gets used for the mouse
-touchpad events were implemented in Xinput 2.1, but touchscreen events are in ver 2.2
 I simply made 2.2 the minimum requirement. I don't think it's worth it to test for both versions
 and it seems to be what other projects (eg: GTK) are doing.

Xorg apparently does not allow using both the legacy API and Xinput2 for the same event class.
So enabling listening for XI_Motion events causes the MotionNotify events to stop.
Hence, this patch _only_ grabs the mouse-movement events in Xinput2 so that allegro has access to touchpad events we can add later in the future.
All other inputs + window + mouse events are all still being handled by the legacy API.

- allegro5 builds with and without xinput2 support
- mouse example programs and ALLEGRO_MOUSE_EVENT members all work for legacy and XInput2 versions.
- pointer and mouse-wheel acceleration work for mouse and touchpad
- hot-plugging USB mouse works and simultaneous use with touchpad works

Everything behaved as expected for me.

Please review and consider for addition.


Attachment: patch
Description: Binary data

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