[AD] Not freeing resources of non-preserved bitmaps on Android is considered harmful :) |
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I tried commenting out this flag and it seems to make everything better :) So unless there is some remembered reason for it being there, I propose to strike out this check.
Also, I'd like to question the whole approach Allegro takes to suspension/resuming on Android. Why doesn't it uses the same method as SDL, which preserves the whole OpenGL context, instead of re-uploading bitmaps after resuming? This would eliminate the difference between NO_PRESERVE_TEXTRURE and other bitmaps (as it should be with OpenGL) and also preserve shaders (which presently has to be re-created as well during resuming). This would allow Allegro (or its user at least) to save memory by setting NO_PRESERVE_TEXTURE for all bitmaps and not store in-memory copy of data. Is there any reason not to do so, or is it just a historical decision?
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