Re: [AD] Plan for the video addon

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So, anybody have more opinions on this specific question? I'm still on the fence about it. Should we:

1. Keep al_get_video_width/height as they are
2. Change them to returned the aspect-ratio corrected sizes
3. Do 2 but also add al_get_video_raw_width that behave like the old versions do.


On 09/13/2015 01:03 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
On 09/13/2015 07:49 AM, Polybios wrote:
If I understand correctly, with your redesign, you'll know the
dimensions of the bitmaps you'll be getting only after you ... have got
the first frame.  As they'll all be the same size and because it's
actually a property of the video, why not (re-)add something like
IMHO, it'd be perfectly fine to leave it to the documentation to make
clear what the difference is and that scaled drawing is expected to deal
with it. Besides, as Elias has pointed out, there is still the option to
encode videos in such a way that no scaling is needed.

In my mind, I expect al_get_video_frame to return a valid frame at all
times, so you'd just call
al_get_bitmap_width/height(al_get_video_frame()) to get the raw
dimensions. I guess if that's too silly, then we can keep the
aspect_ratio function, as I'd rather not have two sets of
get_width/height functions.


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