Re: [AD] 5.2 - What's needed? |
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i'm often concerned about these roadmaps turning out to be a dumping ground for anyones vague wish lists.
who asked for these things? how many people asked for them? when did they ask? are they still needed? why aren't they ranked in some type of version numbering... nah, not Allegro 6, make it Allegro 7, skipping whole numbers is common these days too ;)
On 14/06/2015 5:29 PM, Beoran wrote:
I mostly agree with SL's view, but I'd like to add that there are quite a few features on that should be checked for inclusion after the 5.2.0 release. In other words, we need a cleaned-up roadmap. Also , just for marketing reasoins, we could call 5.2, Allegro 6 in stead. Nowadays major version numbers increase more rapidly these days ;). Kind Regards, B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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