Re: [AD] 5.2 - What's needed?

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On Jun 14, 2015 1:29 AM, Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> that should be 
> checked for inclusion after the 5.2.0 release.

I chuckled because it's obvious some users added whatever they want to the 5.2 roadmap. There's some stuff from Peter's email there and then some questionable stuff... Some of it is good though.

> Also , just for marketing reasoins, we could call 5.2, Allegro 6 in 
> stead. Nowadays major version numbers increase more rapidly these days ;). 

I don't think it matters much. Not sure it's a good idea just because "everyone else is doing it." :P I'd rather reserve major version numbers for major API changes like they're SUPPOSED to be.

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