[AD] a book in french about allegro 5 |
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Hello, I announce the publication of a french book on allegro 5.You can find more information here : http://www.editions-eni.fr/livres/allegro-5-programmation-de-jeux-en-c-ou-c/.9c142c2fe99964a514b61603f5060361.html or here : http://www.amazon.fr/Allegro-Programmation-jeux-Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric-DROUILLON/dp/2746093863/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1423116444&sr=1-1&keywords=Drouillon+Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric The book also will be a French tutorial published free on the site developpez.com (ENI publisher agrees). I hope he will bring something to the community allegro 5. I learned a lot from allegro and I hope the allegro development will continue long. Thank you very much FD Title : Allegro 5 - Programmation de jeux en C ou C++ Broché – 11 mars 2015 ISBN :
978-2-7460-9386-7 Some
words from the author : Presentation of the text by the publisher This book on Allegro 5 is for all developers of C+ or C++ who wish to master the code and the creativity required in computer game programming. It is divided into two main parts: the first section is mainly a reference guide (in French of course) and the second is an invitation in 2D game programming. Throughout the book, the author invites the reader to use Allegro 5 and so to enter into its creative logic and thus to exploit its true potential.In the first section the following is covered: windowing and full screen, colour, drawing, images and events (keyboard, mouse, timer, joystick). In the second section (the more creative section) the author suggests beginning with a study of artificial life based upon ants, a skeleton model of an action game, animation management, scenery creation, and the interactions between characters and the scenery. In order to deliver a book which is much more in depth than a simple easy-to-use guide, the author contemplates different possible options and equally proposes a detour to understand how certain functions of the library can be elaborated and programmed. The reader is offered a truly exploratory approach to discover the technique of the cross-platform game programming library. The library accepts Linux, Raspberry PI included, Windows, MacOSX, IOS (iphone and ipad) and an adaptation for Android which is in the process of being developed. A number of examples using the code in the book are tried and tested with Visual Studio and Code::Blocks on Windows 7, 8, 8.1. All of the programs of the book are downloadable on the website www.editions-eni.fr. For each chapter the author suggests a Visual Studio solution. This includes as many projects as programs in the chapter and for each project the reader has at his disposal the source code with all of the resources necessary (images, fonts etc.). Chapters Introduction - Installation of Allegro – First steps with Allegro – Text, Fonts, Colours, Drawing – Images – Events – Joystick – Sketching ants – A simple game model – animation, Sprites – their scenery and world - Characters in their scenery - Collisions between characters. |
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