[AD] MacOS X GameController API

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MacOS X 10.9+ has the new GameController framework (https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/GameController/Reference/GameController_RefColl/index.html), which allows very simple handling of gamepads (compared to old HID code). It also supports all XBox-compatiable devices, as far as I can tell (unlike HID code, which fails to recognize my Logitech F310). However, it's somewhat limited in what it can do. For example, it does not support Start/Back buttons, to say nothing of Guide/XBox/etc button. It also does not support thumbsticks-as-buttons.

So, my question is: would it make any sense to write a driver for Allegro to support this API (and XBox-like gamepads), or does its limitations make it useless?

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