Re: [AD] Linux Icons

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Let me clarify a bit: When I create a .desktop, I get an icon in the "search
apps" display, but not in the alt-tab or taskbar. There, I get a question

-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Gamblin [mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: January 1, 2015 12:01 AM
To: 'Allegro Development'
Subject: [AD] Linux Icons

One thing I'd like to get fixed before 5.1.9 is icons on Linux.
al_set_display_icon works on many WMs but not on Unity (arguably the most
popular WM.) On Unity you have to have a .desktop file to have an icon in
alt-tab and in the taskbar. Fine. But when I create a .desktop, I still get
no icon.

I'm using the game Dustforce as a reference for a game that has an icon. I
copied their .desktop files exactly only changing the name of the game.
After running xprop on my game and theirs there are some differences. With
the attached patch, most of those differences are gone, at least the ones
that look significant.

There's one key difference: _NET_WM_ICON(CARDINAL) = is a blank (but
existing) line for Dustforce. For my game it depends if I call
al_set_display_icon or not. If I don't, the line doesn't appear, if I do, it
appears but I get an ascii version of the icon in the text.

So I think that's significant. What are they doing differently? I've looked
at SDL 2.0 code (which is where I found most of the changes for attached
patch) but have found nothing else that looks important.

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