[AD] Multiline text

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On the forums, people have asked numerous times for multiline text drawing.
With this patch/pull request I have tried to strike a balance between
features and the desire not to bloat Allegro too much.

Text will be broken into lines either on a newline character to force
a line break, or on a space or tab if the text is wider than the
max_width parameter. The line height can be set as a parameter or when set
to 0, the font's line height is used as a default.

There are also functions that calculate the dimensions of the bounds
box of a multi line
text without actually drawing it. There is support for both ALLEGRO_USTR
and char * strings.

There is an example program ex_font_multiline.cpp to test out these
functions with.

The pull request is available here:

And the patch to apply with git am is here:

Kind Regards,


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