Re: [AD] Patch for Cmake profiling build with gcc

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Thanks! Commited as 290e4d4349e23dbfe58e895aeebd93a096c1f91c.


On 05/18/2014 06:29 PM, Edgar wrote:
Attached is a patch to fix the profiling build for allegro with gcc. It
currently fails with undefined references to mcount. I added in
CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_PROFILE to '-pg' in the profiiling section and
added that flag to the 'mark_as_advanced' field just below. I don't know
what the 'mark_as_advanced' field does but that follows the same pattern
as the other flags. With the patch it now correctly builds on Windows.
Untested on other platforms but -pg should work with gcc everywhere.

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