Re: [AD] Patch: improved website stylesheet

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On Sun 27 Apr 2014 04:47:08 PM Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On Sun 27 Apr 2014 11:50:26 PM Beoran wrote:
> > Elias, actually I agree. So, let's solve that problem first.
> > 
> > I compiled Allegro for Windows (and MinGW)  myself several times and
> > even with good instructions it does take quite a bit of time to get it
> > working. Compiling Allegro itself is easy, but compiling all the
> > dependencies is not. So I think we'll probably have to provide them
> > too as source and binaries as far as the license allows it.
> > 
> > Thomas, I looked into a  free compile farm, but it seems like I was
> > out of the loop on Sourceforge closing theirs years ago, which is a
> > bummer. There are other compile farms but they tend to be Linux-only.
> > I did find this which could enable us to run MSVC under Wine:
> >, but I didn't have time to test it
> > yet. A Windows VM would be nice, but do we have to get a license on a
> > Windows server edition to do this legally?
> Someone would need to get a windows license for it. I have windows 7 and 8
> licenses just sitting around I think, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'd
> install it as a vm on vmware. Consumer copies of newer windows are allowed
> to be virtualized so long as you aren't also using that key on another vm
> or physical machine.
> I looked into Suse's build farm for another project, it could probably be
> used for some linux packages. It may or may not be easier to use it, or
> setup a build service thing ourselves.

Hm, I just found a project called Buildbot which might work. Seems to be cross 

> > Kind Regards,
> > 
> > Bjorn.
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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