Re: [AD] testing in iOS

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On Sat, 07 Dec 2013 20:26:35 +0000, nooskewl@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I tried it out and it seems fine I _think_. With ex_lockbitmap it starts fine, when I touch the screen the image appears whiter… and if I double tap the screen goes completely grey. I’m not sure if that’s just because the resolution is obviously not matching my iPad (it’s a short rectangle.)

ex_lockbitmap cycles through locking video/memory/backbuffer bitmaps
when you touch the left half of the screen.  It toggles between
WRITEONLY/READWRITE when you touch on the right half the screen.
In READWRITE only every second pixel is written to.
It looks lighter as the grey background pixels show through.

If it's completely grey then something is not working.


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