Re: [AD] Why are the DirectX GUIDs defined in Allegro?

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There may have been a problem linking dxguid on older versions of MinGW (the DirectX that comes with MinGW.) It might be ok now since it's recommended to use the official DXSDK.

-----Original Message----- From: torhu
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:12 PM
To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library Allegro
Subject: [AD] Why are the DirectX GUIDs defined in Allegro?

In wjoydxnu.cpp, there are lots of lines like this:

Does anyone know why are they redefined instead of just using the
definitions from the DirectX SDK?

I'm asking because I need the GUID for for the wide (UNICODE) version of
DirectInput8, which is not defined in Allegro. So I'm thinking about
just deleting those definitions and switching to the ones from the
DirectX SDK.  That means we need to link with dxguid.lib.

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