Re: [AD] 5.0 and 5.2 on the same system

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On 10/12/12 15:45, Jon Rafkind wrote:
Right now 'pkg-config allegro-5.0 --libs' returns -lallegro.

Not quite, it also returns -L/usr/local/lib, which is determined by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. To what extent just using the prefix will alleviate these troubles? --cflags switch can be used for the purposes of the finding headers.

Thinking about this... one issue is that the pkg-config files are also placed in the prefix, which would actually break pkg-config support. Additionally, shared libraries should probably be placed in the same spot as well (they are already versioned). Thus... what would perhaps be better is to install headers into <prefix>/include/allegro5.2/allegro5 (note the order of the directories), static libraries and the link to the shared libraries in <prefix>/lib into <prefix>/lib/allegro5.2/. This way the user code will not be affected (as it'll all be magically taken care of by pkg-config --cflags and --libs) and since the actual (already versioned) shared libraries will go into <prefix>/lib you won't need to alter where the system looks for shared libaries.


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