Re: [AD] Loading non-unicode TTF fonts

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On 1 Sep 2012, at 11:13 , Michał Cichoń wrote:
> Just like I said. It appears to me like fixing data trough code. This makes me less than enthusiastic. But I'm not totally against.

I still don't understand your point of view. Allegro's BMP loader used to not load some (rarely used) BMP sub-formats. When confronted with a perfectly valid BMP file that Allegro can't load, the solution is to fix Allegro's BMP loader, not safe the file in a different format.
Of course, the latter is an easy work-around. Easier for images than for fonts since there are more image editors out there than font editors.

> Solution does not make the font to work as expected in all cases. So I proposed a warning to allegro logs. If some workaround was applied I wish to be notified. So I will not have to chase the ghosts when I encounter it.

When it comes to that, yes, some warning in the log /would/ have been nice in helping me pin-point the issue. So this is something that would be generally useful, and probably in more places than where we're doing it now.


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