Re: [AD] Loading non-unicode TTF fonts

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> I still don't understand your point of view. Allegro's BMP loader used to not load some (rarely used) BMP sub-formats. When confronted with a perfectly valid BMP file that Allegro can't load, the solution is to fix Allegro's BMP loader, not safe the file in a different format.

Difference is in case of fonts data is not there, there is no Unicode
mapping or it is weird enough to not being loaded by FreeType. BMP
file, even if in rare format, data is there. We'are not trying to make
it up. Because of that I'm not confident that generated data will lead
to correct results.
I hope made my reasoning more clear.

Bottom line is I understand your fix and agree it may work in some
cases. What I do not know is how often this code will be hit.

> When it comes to that, yes, some warning in the log /would/ have been nice in helping me pin-point the issue. So this is something that would be generally useful, and probably in more places than where we're doing it now.

Good log messages are priceless. Checked and proven many times. : )

Let's do not try to fix whole world at once. Can you include warning
in you patch?

thedmd, Michał Cichoń
Artifex Mundi

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