Re: [AD] Loading non-unicode TTF fonts

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On 31 Aug 2012, at 17:26 , SiegeLord wrote:
> Out of idle curiosity, could you attach an example?

Sure, attached.

Some background: I'm making a (new) graphical interface for my program that plays (almost arbitrary) chess variants. These fonts use glyphs to represent chess figurines, I have a number of different ones with the idea that they could be used for different variants.

"Proper" unicode fonts have chess figurines defined in one of their blocks, and I have another font that defines extra figurines in the private use area. These work fine, it's these older fonts that cause issues: they map the chess figurines to the normal character range, so printing "b" in these fonts produces a bishop glyph.

That's also why I prefer to not rasterise the images in gimp: I want the figurines to scale smoothly with changing window sizes, which I can do with fonts but not so easily with bitmaps.


Attachment: leipzig.ttf
Description: Binary data

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