Re: [AD] Internal headers

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On 07/03/2012 09:58 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On Tue Jul 3, 2012, Hilton Medeiros wrote:
>> On 07/03/2012 08:56 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
>>> On Tue Jul 3, 2012, Hilton Medeiros wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> is there a reason why only some internal headers are not installed by
>>>> 'make install', like for instance aintern_aatree.h?
>>> Because they are internal. They aren't part of the api at all, and none
>>> of the public api bits need their contents, so theres no reason to
>>> install them.
>> Thanks for the answer. That is true for games but if a developer wants
>> to distribute an addon library source and he makes use of internal
>> headers, the addon ends up not being compilable
>> by users that install allegro with 'make install' or a package from some
>> distro, for instance.
>> I was assuming at least addon libraries could make use of internal
>> headers when I started coding, they
>> are very handy after all. :)
>> I can just copy what I need, of course, as a last resource.
> I suppose if there is enough reason to make them less private we could. But if 
> you really wanted to keep using the internal headers in an addon, you could 
> submit your addon for inclusion. Then it'd have access to the headers just 
> fine.

I see but I think they are a little too specialized to be bundled
together with
Allegro, considering how general is the purpose of the current addons.

> Also I think if you drop your addon in a folder called "deps" in either the 
> source or build directories, allegro will go and build that along with 
> allegro, which might give it access to allegro's internals.
> But remember, internal APIs are subject to change without notice.

I didn't know about this 'deps' folder, I will take a look at that.
Thanks a lot
for the clarification.


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