Re: [AD] switching to git, 2012 edition

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On Mon, 2 Jul 2012 00:32:47 +1000
Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I suggest git pull --rebase.  The difference is, afterwards your local
> commits (not yet pushed) are placed on top of the updated version of
> the branch you are on.  Without --rebase, the default is to merge the
> updated remote branch into your local branch, making the history
> unnecessarily messy.

Should we add a hook to disallow merge commits on the 5.1 branch?
Google suggests there are such hooks - but I guess that would be bad in
case one actually is needed.

Also, I'm thinking about a hook which makes sure that both
and of the committer are in authors.txt and otherwise
reject the push. I see myself using random names whenever I commit
from some place besides my standard git folder otherwise. (Not sure that
is a problem...)

Google also has lots of other nice hooks, like preventing insertion of
whitespace at the end of lines.

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