Re: [AD] List of sub bitmaps

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On Thu, 10 May 2012 09:04:55 -0600
Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Not if the texture id in the sub bitmap is wrong after the restore :P
> (in general) when android pauses you, all of your GL/EGL state is
> wiped. All textures, handles, whatever, is now invalid. If the sub
> bitmap's extra struct, including the texture member hasn't been
> updated, it means that subbitmap is broken. That is if allegro
> actually uses that data for anything (why doesn't it just use the
> parent's?)

Either that, or figure out why the existing update code (which already
goes through all sub-bitmaps) doesn't work. From what I remember either
the parent bitmap gets updated first (in which case the sub-bitmaps
just copy the new texture id), or one of the sub-bitmaps gets updated
first (in which case it updates the parent out of order) - in both
cases all bitmaps end up with new texture ids at the end. But that was
only for the memory/video conversion, maybe have to adapt it now to also
work on android.

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