[AD] Current display being changed somewhere?

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Before I go on a wild goose chase, and put printfs all over the place, does anyone know if/where the current display might be getting set where it wasn't before (within about the last 50 revisions?) The problem I'm facing is in lock_region_old, disp receives the value NULL from al_get_current_display. It's from the same thread as the display was created on and I never explicitly set the display myself. bitmap->display holds the correct value for the display at that point and using that everything works. Just in case it's important, the path leading up to this is: receive DISPLAY_CONNECT, call al_destroy_display on the only display (because I need to create two new ones), in that call al_convert_bitmaps locks a display bitmap and that's where the NULL value comes from. This was working like I said around 50 revisions ago. It doesn't look like that al_get_current_display line has changed at all so it could be anywhere that the problem cropped up, including my own code but as I said, it's in the same thread and I never change the current display or do anything display related from other threads. Any input is appreciated.


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