Re: [AD] Possible regression with OpenGL

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On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:08:29 +1000
Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just noticed that r15460[1] causes the test_driver to show a number
> of black screens when running most of the bitmap tests, e.g. you can
> see it with
>     ./test_driver -d ../../tests/test_bitmaps.ini

Fixed it. Also will try and add a test case for it. (Ironically it was
still test_driver where you found it, but in a function call used
outside of the tests :P)

I also think there are more places which need to be fixed. Basically
since GL_TEXTURE_2D is not preserved any longer since revision 15460,
*every* function now has to enable/disable it depending on whether it
needs it or not.

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