Re: [AD] Feature backports for 5.0.6

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On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Provisional yes
> ---------------
> - file slices
>    ready?

The implementation is not very thoroughly tested, but until it reaches
5.0, it probably won't be. I added ex_file_slice.c that illustrates
how to use it.

The API is purposefully simple:
* the master file must support random access (i.e., fseek, ftell)
* it opens the slice at the current location
* you cannot access the master file while the slice is open without
getting out of sync
* only one slice can be opened at a time per master file, although
slicing a slice probably works

It would be useful in very rare cases if it had an optional memory
buffer (to convert sequential access into random access), but that
could be added later via another letter to the mode parameter. In most
of those cases, the memfile would be completely sufficient, so I don't
see this as any major limitation.

So short version is, it should be ready for 5.0.

Matthew Leverton

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