Re: [AD] File system watcher API

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On Wed, 4 Jan 2012 09:59:19 -0300, David Capello <davidcapello@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The basic idea is to be able to listen to file/directories
> changes. The API could be something like this:
> ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY* fsentry = ...;
> al_register_event_source(queue,
>   al_get_fs_entry_event_source(fsentry));
> while (...) {
>   al_wait_for_event(queue, &ev);
>   switch (ev.type) {
>     case ALLEGRO_EVENT_FS_ENTRY_CHANGED: ...; break;
>     case ALLEGRO_EVENT_FS_ENTRY_DELETED: ...; break;
>     case ALLEGRO_EVENT_FS_ENTRY_NEWCHILD: ...; break;
>   }
> }

Can you make a case for why this feature needs to be in Allegro or an
addon?  For real paths it could just as well be implemented in user
code, so the only reason I can see to include it is portability.
Is it useful enough for typical Allegro programs to warrant that?

For your proposed interface, I think that would require a separate
thread to do the monitoring.  Just pointing it out.


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