Re: [AD] 3D math routines removed from 5.x?

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Yes, the 3D routines were not brought over to Allegro 5. For the most
part, if you're going to use 3D stuff, you would use Direct3D or
OpenGL directly anyway.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Kai Yu <niels.henric.abel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found Allegro yesterday and was deeply impressed by its elegance. And in
> 5.x, I'm even more pleased to see the APIs have been prefixed and better
> organized. However, I wonder if I missed anything, but I can no longer find
> the 3D math routines in 5.x releases. Have they been dropped completely?
> Regards.
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