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On 2011-03-22, torhu <torhu.lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 21.03.2011 18:22, Matthew Leverton wrote:
> >See<>
> >
> >Attached is a 5.1 patch that adds support for the
> >ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_ENTER on Windows. It's possible that other keys like
> >right control could use the new 'extended' flag as well, but I just
> >did the least amount of work to get the pad-enter key detected. Tested
> >via the keyboard event example.
> I've extended the patch.  The goal was to make the left and right
> versions of the modifier keys work independently of each other.  It
> works just fine for Ctrl and Alt, but the Shift keys are still
> problematic.
> I've also tried to simplify some of the code.
> Maybe the right way to do keyboard input for games is using
> WM_INPUT, but I don't feel like tackling that.  Windows API
> programming just isn't fun.

I get: 'MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX' undeclared


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