Re: [AD] Conserving OpenGL FBOs |
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On 2011-03-05, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: "Peter Wang" <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > It's pretty obscure:
> >
> > 1. create bitmap B1
> > 2. set up B1 with an internal FBO (not yet known to the user)
> > 3. set n target bitmaps until FBOs start being recycled
> > 4. now call al_get_opengl_fbo(B1)
> Oh, I had assumed that we'd add a bit of extra logic
> that would create the fbo if it didn't exist when
> al_get_opengl_fbo was called. Then it would be
> completely backwards compatible right?
Yes, except that al_get_opengl_fbo will always try to create an FBO
rather than only return if one was already created. But that would
seem to be more useful anyway, so I will change it.