Re: [AD] iPhone touch input timestamp errors

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Idea was to return exact time of the event instead of re-generating
this time while translating into Allegro event. That's way you will be
capable to track also the velocity of the touch more accurate.

If you see a quick way to fix this, could you please do that?
Otherwise this can be reverted to Allegro current time.

On 19 March 2011 21:53, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is mostly for Michal. I removed every occurrence of 'first_touch_time' from the iPhone driver. I'm not sure what is was for but timestamps of mouse/touch events were all wrong.
> What exactly was that for? It was obviously wrong because the code only set it to -1 once so event times would get more and more negative as time passes. Anyway, if it's something useful and was just bugged, please explain and maybe we can fix it and put it back.
> Trent
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thedmd, Michał Cichoń
Artifex Mundi

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