Re: [AD] OS X keyboard

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On 23 Jan 2011, at 20:12 , Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> I'm not sure what the default should be, the old default in the X port was to 
> auto lock when in full screen mode. Should we set that back up? And then leave 
> unlocking the mouse to people who want to mouse out of a full screen app?

From the point of view of this not yet being implemeneted in OS X (shouldn't be too hard to do, but I won't be able to test with multiple displays), I would opt to leave the default undefined for now and wait to specify it until it can be set consistently across platforms. OTOH, there is something to be said for well-defined behaviour, so feel free to ignore me on that.

To me it would make sense to autolock in full screen mode iff there is only the one full screen display in use. Otherwise the user probably wants something else. That would require unlocking or locking when a display is created or destroyed, unless the user has overridden the default behaviour. It's a bit of a hassle though.
It's probably easiest (for us) to just not bother at all, and leave the thing unlocked, but from the point of view of optimising behaviour for the common case, that may be bad.

So I'd say, either don't lock at all by default, or lock only when there's a single full screen display.


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