Re: [AD] bitmaps flags in ttf addon

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On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think the call to get bitmap flags in render_glyph in the TTF addon
(to check for ALLEGRO_NO_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA) is too late.  The user
should not expect that the new bitmap flags have an effect
when drawing a string.

I suggest we cache the premultiple alpha bit when the font is loaded,
unless there is a better idea?

I'd also say that's the right thing - fonts should behave just like bitmaps. So whatever flags are set while al_load_font is called should apply for that font. If at some point we have a font addon which can draw vector outlines then it simply would use the current color, like primitives (or would even use the primitives addon to draw) and so also that would work.

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