[AD] Tiny documentation patch for al_display_create

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On OS X not destroying your fullscreen display will cause terrible rendering artifacts. Because this bit me a bit when the application would close early I would recommend putting that into the documentation.

Ideally even if allegro would terminate earlier the display would not be corrupted. In case someone is wondering: OS X does not seem to redraw when an allegro fullscreen application closes without destroying the display. I don't know if there would be a way to fix this in allegro itself, but at least the documentation should mention that behavior.

Index: display.txt
--- display.txt	(revision 14152)
+++ display.txt	(working copy)
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
 Each display has a distinct OpenGL rendering context associated with it. See
 [al_set_target_bitmap] for the discussion about rendering contexts.
+Don't forget to destroy the display again.  On some operating systems it
+might be fine not to clean up on shutdown but fullscreen mode on OS X is
+known to cause display artefacts after the application was closed if the
+display is not destroyed properly.
 See also: [al_set_new_display_flags], [al_set_new_display_option],
 [al_set_new_display_refresh_rate], [al_set_new_display_adapter],

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