Re: [AD] Tiny documentation patch for al_display_create

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On 25 Dec 2010, at 0:05 , Armin Ronacher wrote:
> On OS X not destroying your fullscreen display will cause terrible rendering artifacts.  Because this bit me a bit when the application would close early I would recommend putting that into the documentation.

You mean exiting the program without explicitly calling al_destroy_display()?

> Ideally even if allegro would terminate earlier the display would not be corrupted.  In case someone is wondering: OS X does not seem to redraw when an allegro fullscreen application closes without destroying the display.  I don't know if there would be a way to fix this in allegro itself, but at least the documentation should mention that behavior.

I can't reproduce the problem here (late 2008 MacBook, OS X 10.6.5).


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