Re: [AD] memfile

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On 2010-12-20, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is the memfile addon excluded from documentation / installation for
> any reason? (Or at least, last I checked, it was not there.)

You can if you want.

ungetc *still* doesn't work.

> I think al_open_memfile() could use a read-write mode parameter. Other
> than that, I don't know what else that function could use. Anyway, the
> extra parameter should be considered before 5.0 is final.

Could be nice.

> An al_create_memfile(size, options) might be useful ... it would own
> the memory and allow you to have a resizable (growing) chunk of
> memory. You could use it for saving a BITMAP to memory, etc. Upon
> closing the file, it would resize it to exactly the amount written
> (assuming it was resizable to begin with). Not important for 5.0.



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