Re: [AD] New Logo Proposal

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On 2010-12-22 12:36 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
Yes, much better than the commercial Utopia font. However, a really free
("free as in freedom") font would be even better (like Bitstream Vera or
Dejavu or all those others). Then we could include the font as .ttf in
an example game for example and render the logo text directly.
Unfortunately these fonts are terribly overused these days in the open source community for this reason. And the new trend are Google's webfronts which also will become ubiquitous now.

I wonder how well it will work on the website - guess it should be made
blue there instead of black.
Indeed. The idea of the logo would be that it's two colored only so that you can then make with it what you want (use it for 3D textures in examples, colorize it for the website, print it on t-shirts ^^)


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