[AD] New Logo Proposal

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Hey everybody,

So I just found Allegro yesterday (Allegro5 to be exact) after a month long adventure with SDL. The main reason I ignored Allegro in the past is that it a) looked back then quite inactive, from the DOS day and it has a hideous logo.

That might sound weird, but keep in mind how many people judge things that way. It's like when you buy a book and you have no idea what you're looking for. In that case title and cover play a really important role.

Anyways. Allegro5 is really a huge improvement over SDL from what I can see so far and I'm currently in the process of switching over to it. I thought I might be able to contribute something and did some playing around with creating a new logo that looks a little bit more timeless (the current one looks straight from 1995).

From what I've heard on the IRC channel I'm not the first to bring up a logo proposal, so I am well prepared for that thing not being considered as logo replacement. However if you do want modifications, I am happy to attempt to improve it.

The font is currently "Espinosa Nova Regular". That particular cut can be obtained for free from myfonts.com which I think is a good thing for an open source project.

Here some versions:

*  clef: http://i.imgur.com/929Ze.png
*  chess: http://i.imgur.com/GfZ0I.png

Feel free to use them as you like.

Source for the clef version as SVG is here:


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