Re: [AD] al_get_opengl_version design flaw?

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On 2010-11-29, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm planning on changing what the iPhone driver returns as an OpenGL version.
> I've got it changed here, but it's part of the programmable pipeline change
> that I was going to commit when it's finished. Should I commit it now?
> The current behaviour is to approximate a desktop-gl-like version number
> based on features. It's a hack, and I plan on returning it as an OpenGL
> _ES_ version number instead.

Ouch.  Now I understand what all those #ifdef IPHONE hacks were about.

Maybe we should add an extra parameter:

    uint32_t al_get_opengl_version(int *es_profile);

or maybe as a string.


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