Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-3102940 ] Broken on Vista

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Window is placed on monitor on which you're working on.

W dniu 7 listopada 2010 08:28 użytkownik Thomas Fjellstrom
<tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> napisał:
> On November 6, 2010, Michał Cichoń wrote:
>> 2010/11/6 Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>> >> Is there any reason the user shouldn't just call
>> >> al_set_new_display_adapter(-1); and let the system choose?
>> >
>> > As far as I know, windows doesn't choose. Apps have to specify where to
>> > go them selves afaik.
>> That's not true. If application specify position, Windows will follow,
>> but if you pass CE_USEDEFAULT as position Windows will choose location
>> for the window.
> But I don't think it does any kind of smart placement like X window managers
> do. At most it might put it in some sort of pile of windows on your primary
> monitor. Haven't tested it though.
> --
> Thomas Fjellstrom
> tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx
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thedmd, Michał Cichoń
Artifex Mundi

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