Re: [AD] new proposal for *_is_* functions

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On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had another think about how to name the "is" functions.
Most of them are rarely going to be called (if ever), so consistency
should be the deciding principle.  al_event_queue_is_empty is the only
one of the functions which will be commonly called.

Many of the functions could/should be handled differently, sidestepping
the issue:

* al_is_opengl_extension_supported -> al_have_opengl_extension
   It's shorter and matches al_have_d3d_*

* al_is_sub_bitmap -> remove
   A bitmap flag would be consistent with ALLEGRO_MEMORY_BITMAP, etc.


We might be able to do the same for al_is_bitmap_locked and al_is_compatible_bitmap. For locking it should be easy, just set the flag in al_lock_bitmap. Not sure right now if the compatibility state of a bitmap can change dynamically - if yes then a flag would not work so well.
* al_timer_is_started -> al_get_timer_started
   Matches the other al_get_timer_* functions

+1 But maybe Thomas has a point and al_get_timer_running (not his suggestion) sounds better. Would go with things like al_get_voice_playing.
* al_fs_entry_is_directory -> remove
* al_fs_entry_is_file -> remove
   Conveniences for al_get_fs_entry_mode only.

* al_is_path_present -> remove
   This contains a workaround for the trailing slash problem on
   Windows, but that should be done in fshook_stdio.c.
   Then al_is_path_present would be nothing more than
   al_filename_exists(al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP));

This is a good idea in any case, now all path functions are just string manipulation, with a clear separation to the filesystem functions.

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