Re: [AD] New error message in OS X console

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On 30 Aug 2010, at 15:28 , Trent Gamblin wrote:
> I started getting this message in the console running my level editor. I don't recall seeing it ever before:
> 2010-08-30 13:26:29.802 ashedit2[8040:3d03] __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
> Anybody know what that's about? It comes up once at program start and doesn't repeat as far as I've seen.
> The only changes I recall to the OS X port have been DPI related. Could that have something to do with it?

When did you first notice it?
I haven't seen that at all, but my installed version of Allegro is SVN from last week or so.


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