Re: [AD] Allegro added to upstream ABI tracker (

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I do have one question, does this software support two different APIs
for a single library? If so, you may want to split 4.4.x and 4.9.x
into different groups. 4.9 is a beta for Allegro 5, and there is a
break in the API. As of now, there are breaks within the 4.9 branch,
but hopefully the developers have stopped doing that (Yes, I know
there's a difference in API and ABI. If the API is completely
different, how can the ABI be the same?)

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Andrey Ponomarenko <susanin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> The Allegro library has been recently added to the Upstream Tracker system:
> The system regularly checks for new releases, performs backward ABI
> compatibility analysis and generates "shallow"-quality runtime tests.
> Any bugs/feature requests or suggestions for inclusion of some other
> library to the tracker are very welcome. Thanks.
> --
> Andrey Ponomarenko
> Linux Verification Center, ISPRAS
>  web:
>  mail:   upstream-tracker@xxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> --

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