[AD] Is this an error with acodec?

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Sending again because it bounced...

I built some 4.9.20 binaries for allegro5.org, and was too lazy to build dynamic versions of the
acodec dependencies. When I ran cmake it said something like "DLL not found, dynamic loading of
codec won't be supported". Fine, I figured since I have static versions of all of them, that
acodec will use those. But after building an example of someones on IRC that wasn't working, I
looked in the internal header for acodec and noticed all of the ALLEGRO_CFG_ACODEC_*_DLL are
defined (not commented out). So looking at the source code it appears that it will only look for
dlls. I built the vorbis dlls and put vorbisfile.dll (which the msvc projects named libogg.dll,
libvorbis.dll etc, so I had to rename it), and then the example worked. Is this the right
behavior? Can the audio acodec addon not use static codecs?

Trent :n)

Trent :n)

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