Re: [AD] 4.9 location of libraries

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On 06/01/2010 05:10 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
On 2010-06-01, Trent Gamblin<trent@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
On Tue, June 1, 2010 3:06 pm, Jon Rafkind said:
`rpath' can be added to the pkg-config stuff.

$ pkg-config allegro-4.9 --libs
-lallegro -R /usr/local/lib/allegro
Ok, got nothing really against it then.
I do.  See here, for example:

I don't like that RPATH takes precedence over everything.
It means you basically can't move the shared libraries at all, or
override the library for a specific binary.

RUNPATH is a bit better, as it has lower precedence.  But it's still
not worth the trouble.

Oh crap, I thought LD_LIBRARY_PATH took precedence over everything else. Ok I can live without it.. but boy does allegro generate a lot of libraries these days!

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