Re: [AD] 4.9 location of libraries

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On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Oh crap, I thought LD_LIBRARY_PATH took precedence over everything else.
Ok I can live without it.. but boy does allegro generate a lot of
libraries these days!

I think it's not a big problem. If you compile A5 yourself you can always put the libraries to a custom path (I have them somewhere below my home directory myself). Or you even could create a single .so file (not sure if it would make sense to have a cmake option for that).

If you distribute your game, all the .so files will be within your game's directory somewhere in /usr/share/mygame/... so no problem either.

And if a Linux distribution includes A5, they will manage everything so if they choose to have a bunch of /usr/lib/liballegro*.so files it's their choice and nothing to worry about either.

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