Re: [AD] About colors

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I think there are still some issues we have to resolve before calling
it 5.0.
This is one of them
IMO, but I think it should go to vote. Another thing is what to do
about pixel
centers. For a
2d library it makes sense that a rectangle from 0,0 to 5,5 would do
the same as
in allegro 4,
whether it's outlined or not. There are apparently some other issues
with this
to do with
transformations though. There is the blend color issue which I think
Elias is
working on (though
not sure we came to agreement on that... so I guess Elias should
himself). I'm sure
I had a couple other issues in the back of my mind, but I can't
remember right
now. I'll
start making a list and put things on the tracker... I really think
we need to
get function
names right though.

Trent :n)

I have absolutely no problem making rectangles/lines work like that as long as it does not mess up under transformations. I'll test this soon, and if it works, I'll make a patch for people to test (or just commit it straight away).


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