Re: [AD] enum moved to internal header

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On 2010-05-05, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 7:17 pm, Peter Wang said:
> > In Linux the choice should be up to the user, and they can set it for
> > all A5 programs by editing the config file.  On iPhone the developer can
> > (or should be able to) supply a config file.
> >
> > Generally we want to move away from having the developer specifying
> > driver constants to functions.  In A4 we have problems with developers
> > unnecessarily hardcoding their games to use DirectX audio or whatnot.
> > On Linux I don't want someone hardcoding PulseAudio, because don't have
> > it installed.
> >
> > Otherwise, if the developer wants to supply a driver selection screen
> > in-game, he can probably do it by setting a config value on the
> > structure returned by al_get_system_config(), then calling
> > al_install_audio().
> I don't know. I can see situations where it might be desirable for me as
> a developer to specify a driver (just like it's potentially useful to set
> ALLEGRO_OPENGL on Windows for a graphics driver). What if the developer
> needs 3D audio? They might want to hardcode OpenAL in that case,
> and use some OpenAL functions directly. Possibly important in other
> cases also (just throwing things out but maybe they want to set some
> API specific values).
> But anyway, I understand most of our developers want to make sure
> they can run all of the games made with Allegro 5. I'm personally
> more in favor of leaving the choices up to developers, but it's not a
> big deal to me.

[trent sent the reply to me only]

Yeah, ok, OpenAL is decent example.  What do you think of the
al_get_system_config() approach?  It's not really consistent with
the graphics subsystem but it's already there.


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