Re: [AD] get rid of ALLEGRO_MINGW32 and so on?

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On May 31, 2010, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Basically as I said in the 4.9.20 release thread on, it makes
> A5 distributions awkward if each differently built DLL needs a different
> set of headers even though the DLLs are compatible.
> So, I think we should remove things like ALLEGRO_MINGW32 and use
> __MINGW32__ and so on instead which the compiler defines for us. Are
> there any apparent problems which would arise from that? If not I'll try
> make a patch for it.

I think the main thing it does is make allegro itself easier to maintain. 
Inside its own code, you just use ALLEGRO_* defines, and not the myriad of 
platform specific defines that may change between OS and compiler versions. 
Though I'm not entirely sure right now why they can't just all be stuffed in 
a single header, and ship that single header instead of several. That way 
all the code using ALLEGRO_* doesn't have to change, and we still get a 
single header.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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